Apps for students with auditory processing difficulties

The apps below aren’t free, so why am I blogging them? Well, they were highly recommended by C Wilamowski who is a junior primary teacher at a rural school. She uses these apps for students because they have limited access to additional outside resources (ie speech therapists). Using her own iPad, she is able to support students with these apps, who often work in small groups or one to one with a SSO (student support officer).

Language Builder for iPad app (costs $9.99) is amazing for students dealing with auditory processing issues and receptive/expressive language delays. Students view a photograph and are asked to describe what is happening in the picture. For students who need extra help, the app offers hints for different levels of difficulty. Students can record their responses, play back their responses and focus on the pronunciation of their words.

Question Builder for iPad app (costs $5.99) ” is designed to help elementary aged children learn to answer abstract questions and create responses based on inference. Extensive use of audio clips promotes improved auditory processing for special needs children with autism spectrum disorders or sensory processing disorders. Audio clip reinforcement can be turned on or off for non-special needs children”.

Story Builder for iPad app (costs $7.99) ” is designed to help children accomplish the following educational goals: 1) Improve paragraph formation; 2) Improve integration of ideas; and 3) Improve higher level abstractions by inference. Extensive use of audio clips promotes improved auditory processing for special needs children with autism spectrum disorders or sensory processing disorders”.

Source: C Wilamowski

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