21st Fluency Project: Free Educational Resource

fluency 21The Fluency project was developed to assist in transforming learning to be relevant to life in the 21st Century. At the core of this project is their cloud-app Fluency 21 Unit Planner, a global collaborative resource for 21st century learning. To access the cloud-app you need to create a free account. You can view up to 400 resources and or create your own. When you create your own resource to share you are prompted by a series of boxes to fill.

You begin by entering your main ideas followed by curricular objectives. I really like the fact that this is a free global sharing app that provides curricular objectives for a range of nations (ie Common Core, Ontario Curriculum Standards, Alberta Curriculum Standards, Texas Curriculum Standards, New Zealand Curriculum Standards, Custom Standards and Australian Curriculum Standards).

The next stage is to set the scene which involves indicating various levels of technology that will be required throughout your unit of work. This is followed by the establishment of a rubric and the learning process. I like the learning process stages as it breaks down the learning process into clear areas; (1) Define, (2) Discover, (3) Dream, (4) Design and (5) Deliver. You are then given the option to add additional resources, questions etc.

I have had a go a planning my own unit using the cloud-app and it is called Digital Photography. I originally designed the unit of work for my Year 3 students but a Year 7 teacher at my school used the unit for her Year 7 class with great success. To access the unit you can preview it online at http://app.fluency21.com/unit-plans/6127-digital-poetry/main-details . Please note, I haven’t complete the rubrics yet.

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