Wearable Technology

Wearable technology refers to devices that can be worn by users that take the form of an accessory. “The benefit of wearable technology is that it can conveniently integrate tools, devices, power needs, and connectivity within a user’s everyday life and movements” (Horizon Report Wiki). Previously I  have blogged posts on wearable technology such as Google Glass Updates and Google Glass. Many teachers respond with the comment, ‘What will they come up with next?’ or ‘Is it really necessary?’

With the very recent media hype of the Samsung Galaxy Gear Smart Watch that acts like a phone and  reportably has a camera in the strap, speakers in the clasp, and sensors that detect when it is being looked at (The Guardian), I decided to find out a little more. Below is a video prediction of the Samsung Smart Watch and it isn’t doesn’t provide a true picture of what the Smart Watch actually looks like but I liked the concept. Apparently, the actual Smart Watch is much more ‘chunkier’ than the slap band style in the video below?

Of course,  Apple are embracing this  technology too and it is predicted that they may release their version in 2014. With this wearable technology  you will be able to screen calls, read texts and emails (but replying will take too long), view ‘bite sized’ content such as weather, stocks headlines and the time. In addition you will be able to access fitness data, media (ie podcasts, music, video) and even create media(Information Source: Jason Calacanis, Launch News Flash).

In regards to education, at this point I cannot forsee any educational benefits although I found the technology interesting. However,  I also found the TED talk below in which the presenter talks about the possibilities of wearable technology from a less ‘gimmicky’ approach. I can forsee wearable technology benefiting many students who may require additional needs based on the applications described below.

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