Positive Penguins: iPad Well Being App

CaptureI have not seen an app like this before. Positive Penguins is available currently only for iPad ($1.99) only. “Positive Penguins is a fun educational app to help stuents learn to be more resilient and help them respond to the typical challenges they face everyday”. If a student is experiencing an emotional problem they can interact with the Positive Penguin app.

The first stage is for the student to select their penguin and dress their penguin. For many students, this process may begin the calming down process. The next stage is for the student to identify their feelings and the intensity of their feelings.Then students are asked to describe what happened and what lead them to feel this way. It is very much a step by step process which leads students to identify their feelings, causes and how they (themselves) can change their current state. Highly recommended!

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