Explicitly Teaching Creativity

Creativity doesn’t come naturally to everyone but it can be taught. According to Albert Einstein, ‘the true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but creativity’. This year I have gone back to using a range of higher order thinking theories/models such as De Bono’s Six Hats, Thinkers Keys, Blooms Taxonomy and Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. I have not only used them for programming lessons plans but I have taught them explicitly and have had amazing results. Using the language with the students has been rewarding as their ideas and ‘risk taking’ have improved remarkably across the curriculum.

Today my students’ range of creativity was evident when they used a free iPad app called Video Star. The app allows students to record a video and edit it using a wide range of effects/features such as songs, clones and slow/fast movement. Some students danced and changed the effects to suit the mood of the music whilst some combined music and gymnastics. One group of students created a video about round foods. They did this by drawing images, recording them and then adding effects.

CaptureIt is easy to save student’s videos, you simply export the videos to your camera roll. I can’t share any of their videos for privacy reasons but I found one on YouTube which shows you what students can do with the app.

Below is a great video to use with students to explain what creativity is and what can happen if you ‘think outside the square’.

Then  a great video to teach students that everyone can make a difference. Use your creativity to change the world.

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