Toca Boca Apps for iPad (Junior Primary)

Toca Boca is a play studio that makes digital toys for kids. One of their most recent apps that I really like is called Toca Builders. The app a construction and crafting app that allows students to jump, walk, roll and rotate the builders to  create island structures. According to my 12 year old son: “It is simple to use but cool because there are a range of characters that each have different functions. It is designed for younger kids but I like it”. I originally downloaded the app for free but now it costs $1.99. I have embedded the trailer demonstration below:

Some of their other apps are free (for the moment). I recommend that you download them and see if you like them before they cost money. Download:
1. Toca Tailor Fairy Tales
2. Toca Band
3. Toca Kitchen Monsters
I recommend many of their other apps too but they aren’t free.


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