Primary Australian Digital Technologies Scope and Sequence

It has taken a while to put together, and I am constantly updating the document, but below is a scope and sequence for Digital Technologies based on the Australian Curriculum. The document breaks down the Australian  Digital Technologies Curriculum into 5 major concepts/areas; Data (representing, managing and analysing), Digital Systems (understanding and using), Creating and Interacting online (cyber safety and digital citizenship), Algorithms (coding and game design) and Information Systems (how and why people use them).

I have attributed a creative commons licence to the document, basically you can use and share alike without making any money from the works. Many of the suggestions came from teachers at my school, St Aloysius College.  As teachers, we didn’t make any money from our ideas , so sharing the same makes sense. If you have suggestions or comments, leave a post.

Foundation to Year 6 Digital Technologies Scope and Sequence JVillis 1




  1. This is great. Thank you very much for sharing. It looks like you have put in a number of hours into the document. Greatly appreciated.

  2. Jo,

    Thank you for sharing the hard work from your school. Its a really useful document for a school just starting out on a formal Digital Curriculum journey.

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